Summer Custom Framing Projects

Summer is upon us and our schedules typically slow down over the next few months. Many of our clients have reached out to us about taking on summer “custom framing projects” that they’ve been putting off for months.

One of the most common inquiries we get is regarding picture galleries, whether it’s with family photos or a mix of art and photos. Everyone has that box full of pictures that are waiting to be framed. Those with kids have piles of colourful art also sitting in the basement or the room corner. A great way to beautify your home, and to include some conversational pieces is to create a wall mural – similar to what you see in the museum, pictures and art (in custom frames to create a more finished look) are arranged and clustered together to fill up a wall.

The mural concept is also great for businesses! We’ve had many businesses reach out to us about buying custom frames for an existing or new company they are starting. We’ve had customers starting restaurants, pubs and cafes all wanting to beautify their space with our custom frames. We’ve also had managers get in touch for custom frames use in their office space.

The summer is a great time to take it easy and relax, but it’s also a great time to catch up on those custom framing projects that have been put off over the last little while.

If you have any questions about custom framing, feel free to contact our sales and advisory team:

Happy framing!

Custom Frames Canada Team


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